I have lived in Ovid County all my life, and there has always been something weird about this place. I believe that there is some sort of conspiracy afoot here.

Somebody, or something, is transforming the men of this town into women! Some of the men even become little girls, or turn into even stranger things!!

Perhaps you've also noticed something strange happening here, but when you tried to talk about it with your friends or families or the local authorities, they all laughed at you. Perhaps they said you were suffering from paranoid delusions, and threatened to lock you away! Well, those of us who have also seen the truth know exactly how you feel. We're not going to laugh at you!

Who is behind the bizarre events that are happening here in Ovid County? It could be some sort of government plot, or aliens. Sometimes I even think there may be witchcraft involved. I am gathering my evidence, and one day I will show the world that Ovid County is a town under siege by sinister forces, bent on robbing our male citizens of their masculinity!

For now I must remain anonymous, in case these sinister forces discover what I'm doing and they turn ME into some brainless bimbo to shut me up! This is lonely, dangerous work, but Ovid County needs a hero and whatever is happening here is far too sinister for me to remain silent.

Check back often and watch as I get closer and closer to uncovering who is behind the enigmas of Ovid County.

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